Friday, December 28, 2007

New Year almost here!

Wahoo, the New year is almost here! Personally I am ready to leave 07' behind and move on to new things. Lot's of exciting things planned for 08'. I have this "get to livin'" approach to try to live by this year. Anyone out there crazy about new years resolutions? I know I am.

1- This year my #1 goal is not bounce any checks out of any accounts. That will be big goal for the year. I guess that means I should start balancing the check books... uhoh!

2-Run (and complete) a full marathon

3- Stress LESS & Live MORE!!!

Happy New Year to everybody!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

My first time!...running that is =)

Ok after reading all of Amy's blogs I figured it was about time to start my own. =)

Until here lately my life has revolved around working, working and working... =/ No time for anything else. In the past 7 years I have opened up 3 businesses and I enjoy it but I have gotten really burned out. When I started running I learned that that's "my time" that I don't have to do anything but run. Now if I could just learn to run and not think about work then I will be good!

So today was my first trip to the loop. I absolutely loved it. I had my little running coach telling me what to fix lol (Thanks Amy). I'm actually starting to feel like im working towards something. I'm doing two half marathons within the next 7 months. One is in Australia and that's my motivation right now.

I can't wait to sit down and blog one day about what "Live to inspire, Inspire to live" means. I will have to save that one for later. =)