Sunday, January 20, 2008

Aviation race was great!

Oh heck yeah! Aviation race was awesome. Running in the rain was great for the 5k runners. By the time we were about done is when the real rain started. I have so much respect for those marathon runners who were out there bustin' their butt's to finish. Hat's off to everyone who showed up. Might I mention the Macon tracks rocked it! I was so proud of everyone for how well they did. I think everyone on the team came in with a new PR or placed in their age division. It was awesome. Totally to my surprise I cut almost 2 minutes off my time giving me a new PR and got a cute little 2nd place trophy. What does this tell us? It means that there must NOT have been that many in my age division!!! I am getting "faster" but wouldn't use fast and my name in the same sentence. Give me some more time though! 3 things that I thought were pretty great about the race. 1) The rain was awesome, it was perfect if you ask me. 2- Monika was the greatest finish line cheerleader... those polish chicks are crazy! =) and 3-during the race I had an argument with my Garmin... I was randomly saying every 4 letter word I could think of because it kept beeping from not being able to find my heart rate. Problem is at that same time someone I knew went past me and said hello. So Holly if you end up reading this post... I wasn't cussing at you I promise! It was the _____ Garmin!!! Grrr... btw- just to let you all know the Garmin is amazing it's just that im an idiot and forgot to pull up the heart rate monitor. (user malfunction) "gotta love it".

The running club is motivating me to push harder and the people have become family. 1- I let them take over my house 2- fish in my pond and 3-I even cook for them! I don't do that for my own family!!! I love you guys! I think it's about time for another bond fire. I must say that the running club should come with some sort of warning label. "WILL be addictive"... "Will cause you to drink alot" "will cause you to sign up for multiple marathons" and here's the best of all...Will cause you to allow others to persuade you (push you) into signing up for the "bare run". (3 miles of nakedness)... "Forgive me Lord" lol Either way it's going to be one hell of a girls trip and there will have to be alot (I say again) a lot of alcohol involved. What surprises me is how many have already agreed to go run. That will be the week after I get back from running the marathon in Australia. Good thing is all I have to pack is a thong, a sports bra and a cowboy hat lol. This could be bad. Till then... Yeeehhhhaawwww!!! "It's On"!!! and Deb- you are on my Calendar for Feb 2nd, 40 miles it is! I would love to do atleast 15 miles with you for sure! I gotta get ready for the ING and I will just use you to get there! =)

"Dirty runs the City 10k" is tomorrow. Polar bear run in Atlanta is Saturday... I am soooo running in my polar bear pajamas!

1 comment:

leora's blog said...

hardcore running buddy family member! I am so very proud of the effort put forth today! I hope when you mentioned the running club making you drunk a lot you meant water and powerade! your going to do 15 miles!? good lord woman! 15 miles is like a non existant number to me still! ohigazaimasta sensie