Saturday, January 5, 2008

1st race of the year 1 of 50

Check it out... It looks like im running 30 miles an hour! I soooo wasn't! I'm not sure how my hair was doing that. That would take alot of hair spray! Ok so I have this crazy goal to do 50 races in a year. Today was my first of 08'. It was way freakin' cold and all hills. The only flat spot was the last 200 yards to the finish line. Most runners almost missed the finish because they literally had it hidden on a tiny side road. It was odd! The thing that amazed me today was all the kids running. When I say running I mean haulin' butt like there was no tomorrow. Then there was this 10-12 year old slightly heavy set girl that really didn't want to be there. She was crying and looking like she was about to hurl. Her dad was being a total jerk saying things like "I told you you need to work out more". I wanted to trip him or something.. kick him in the face, key his car...something! People like that really tick me off. I guess that's just part of it. I also had my first experience with a really bad side cramp today. Usually when I get those they only last about 20 seconds. This lasted from around 1.2 mile maker to past the 2nd mile. It's really hard to run with those. I'm pretty sure it was because of my breathing. I was so cold that I was taking much shorter breathes. So note to self, don't do that again! Next race is this weekend in Athens and im hoping for a good run. We shall see... Till next time "Live to inspire others and inspire to live your life to the fullest"


Anonymous said...

Your inspiring. Are you going to run the race in Marietta on the 26th. I am planning on that one...

Ward Sayre said...

Wow! Are you really planning on running all those races this year? I'm going to do Country Music Marathon and I'm trying to decide whether or not to repeat the ING Georgia.

leora's blog said...

your a dedicated race runner! Impressssive...anyways...heres to red neck activities and GLADIATORS...yes me and all my neighbors watched both episodes.

Steebo said...

You do look fast. I can run 18 mph, I gotta improve that though. I am glad you have something you can do for yourself.