Friday, February 15, 2008

Florida bound again.... round 2 and this one soooo better be better than last weekend!

After all that arm twisting =) from Deb to go to Florida this weekend I finally gave in. How can I turn down a girls weekend at a condo on the beach.. I mean really? May I just give you all a word of advice from past experiences... Never turn down a girls weekend with a bunch of married women with kids because when they do get away from home they have more fun than anybody else! I started learning that early on!

I had a great Valentines day yesterday. I went and got a bunch of balloons to decorate the studio and gave all my students candy. Then went to Giuseppi’s. If you haven't been there you need to go! It's my new thing to do on Thursdays. I just went with a few friends last night and one of them was bound and determined to see who would fall off the bar stool first. Can I make a suggestion... stay away from shots called a water moccasin!

Well im off the Jacksonville. Monday I go for the xrays and mri. I still cant even attempt to run which really really really sucks but it’s all good. Who knows this might make me slow down a bit at work.. Nah probably not! =) Have a great weekend!

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