Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How do I get myself in these things???

Alright so here's the deal. My friend that does run way fashion shows called me last week and said "hey I need a really big favor. I need help running this high school run way next week". Ok that's cool I can help not a problem. Somewhere along the line I missed the part about how she wouldn't be there. Then I have another friend who is the assistant manager at Men's Warehouse and was taking care of all the tux's. Sunday night she calls me hysterical crying because her Grand father just killed himself. She shows up at my house Monday morning to load up my Navigator with 12 Tuxes. The interesting part is she told the school that I would be there to take care of everything for her. I found this out after getting to the school. You can only imagine the words going through my head when I found that out. So here I am trying to run everything back stage, do the entertainment long enough for 12 girls to change into new dresses and take care of tuxes. Let's just say it's been an interesting week! Then there's the studio... let's just say tax season and leave it at that. Point is I am REALLY ready to leave for Tampa tomorrow. I booked a room at the Hilton Embassy so all I have to do is walk down stairs and show up at the starting line. The fitness expo is Friday, 5k is Saturday, banquet in Orlando Saturday night and then the Half Marathon on Sunday morning. Wahoooo!!!

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