Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Great weekend!

ok this weekend made up for last weekend! Had a great time down in Jacksonville. I hate that I missed the Sweetheart 12k in WR and the Frog Hop in Athens but I said goodbye to that goal of doing 50 races this year. Dr.Pope tells me today that if I have surgery really soon (as in the next week) that I can still fight on March 15th which is a MUST. I was expecting to hear the usual doctor words of "dont push it". The Al Toll races are this weekend in Macon. I had been running the 5k course to get used to it and had planned to PR. Now I will be a "volunteer"... like I had a choice with Deb asking me at gun point! (jk)

Had a client this morning so I took her down to riverwalk for some cross training. I ended up finishing up the workout by walking 2 miles with her. I feel better simply for getting out and moving but my knee is not happy with me. I guess that's called "takin' the good with the bad"? Everyone have a great week!

1 comment:

leora's blog said...

lets drink to volunteering! herhee herhee! lets kill this all toll race!